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The battery system was restricted to 100 lb of commercially-available sealed lead-acid (SLA) batteries, as well as a maximum allowable bank voltage was 36V. The battery system powered the boat’s propulsion system; all motor power came from the battery bank. Two separate sets of batteries were allowed at the event; only the set in use was required to be on the boat.

Multiple batteries were evaluated in the selection process. Two types of batteries were considered: dual-purpose and deep-cycle. Both types of panels were evaluated based on criteria including: capacity of the battery bank in amp-hours, total weight of the bank, battery type, bank voltage, and overall cost of the system.

Solar Panels

The solar panels are restricted to no more than 480W of rated power. These panels plan to be used to actively charge the batteries while the batteries supply the necessary power to the motor.
The selection of solar panels is a very important task. Minimizing the weight of the panels is the goal due, all while ensuring the necessary power output. Multiple solar panels were evaluated in the selection process. Two types of panels were considered: flexible and rigid. Both types of panels were evaluated based on criteria including: power per pound of solar panels, the number of panels needed, and overall cost of the system.
In addition to solar panel selection, layout of the panels on the boat was also considered. Weight distribution of the panels as well as spacing had to be kept in mind when selecting a solar array. To the right, an example of a possible solar array placement is featured.


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